How To Do Keyword Research In Only 5 Minutes – The Amazing Hack

You should work smarter, not harder, especially in your professional life. For this reason, I’m going to share tricks on how to do keyword research in only 5 minutes without sacrificing quality.

You may know about keyword research or read many articles. But the problem is, we became dumb at the very beginning step during keyword research

Whatever you assume to choose, all are difficult to compete. What actually is left?

Something else! No worry! A great solution is here for all the problems.

The Major Problem That Delays Keyword Research

When you’re trying to optimize your content for search engines, you need to do keyword research. But all too often, keyword research can be a long and tedious process. 

It’s important to find the right words to use so that your content will rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

But keyword research can be tricky. You need to identify the most relevant words and phrases and determine how many people are searching for those words. This can be an intimidating task for someone who is new to the process.

There are also a lot of outdated tools and techniques out there that can add hours to the keyword research process. Searching through forums, checking keyword rankings, and manually looking through search engine result pages can quickly become time-consuming and unproductive. 

Fortunately, there are ways to reduce the time it takes to do keyword research without compromising accuracy. By following a few simple steps, you can take the guesswork out of keyword research and save yourself time and energy.

Steal Content Ideas or Keyword Ideas Without a Tool

One of the most efficient ways to quickly come up with content ideas or keyword phrases is by spying on your competitor’s website or blog. You don’t even need to use a tool like Google Keyword Planner or SEMRush. 

All you have to do is spend a few minutes skimming through websites or blogs that are related to the topic you are writing about. You don’t need actually read and that’s the trick.

Just enter your niche or a keyword you wrote or want to write and hit a search on Google.

Unfold a blog website. Now, You are on the competitor’s website. Oh, be careful, you might get shot.

Boo! It’s fun.

Find the blog section of the website.

Now, enter a string before the website URL. The string is “site:”  ( site + semicolon)

So, the address looks like “site:”

Then hit a search.

The magic is in front of you! Whatever your competitors have on his/her website, everything gets appeared.

Scan all titles on the SERP as you need. You can go to the next page and vice versa.

You easily can obtain efficacious content ideas and keywords. Just focus on the titles and keywords your competitor inserted in the titles. Jot down the keywords and build a list.

It’s easy to win for accumulating keyword ideas.

Another way to come up with content ideas or keyword phrases is to search through online forums related to your topic. Reddit and Quora are the best options.

Reddit and Quora are two of the largest online communities where people come together to discuss a variety of topics and share their thoughts, opinions, and experiences.

Peeking on these platforms and searching with your niche or topic you want to write about. 

 For instance, if you were writing about “best places to visit in Europe”, then you could search on Reddit. By reading the questions and answers, you will be able to find out what people are looking for in terms of content related to your topic.

These two simple tricks can help you find content ideas and keyword phrases without having to invest in a keyword research tool. Just remember to stay focused on the task at hand, as it can be easy to lose track of time when you’re researching.

With An SEO Tool

Using a competitor research tool is another way to steal keywords from competitors. It is a faster method than manually aggregating keywords. You can use any SEO tool or competitor research tool. I use Semrush.

Visit If you have never used Semrush before, you must sign up. Then click on “Organic Research” at the left bar.

A box appears in which you can enter a domain name or website URL. Enter your competitor’s domain name or website URL and press the search button.

You can view your competitor’s analysis report. Find the “Top Organic Keywords” and “Top Position Changes” sections by scrolling down. The list will then be expanded.

Examine all of the keywords they used recently. It provides a good number of keyword suggestions.

In a free account, Semrush displays only a few keywords. To get a large number of keywords, you must subscribe to their premium plan.

However, although it’s free, the first method is far superior to the second.

Build Your First Draft

The first step in any keyword research is to build your first draft. This is a time for brainstorming and listing down all the potential keywords you can think of for your topic. Think about what words people would use to search for content related to your topic and jot them down. 

Your first draft should also include variations of keywords. For example, if your topic is about shoes, you could have “shoes” as one keyword, but also “footwear” or “sneakers” as variations of that keyword. Doing this allows you to reach more people who may think to use a different word than you had in mind, but would still be interested in the topic. 

You should also consider keyword intent when building your first draft. Keyword intent is the user’s goal behind using a certain keyword when they search. 

Are they looking to buy something? Do they want to learn more? Are they comparing prices? 

Knowing the intent behind your keywords will help you create content that actually helps the user achieve their goals.

In addition to brainstorming, include the keywords you stole from your competitors.

Once you have compiled your list of keywords, it’s time to start narrowing them down. You want to focus on keywords that are relevant to your topic, not too competitive, and have good search volume.

Use Keyword Research Tools

Keyword tools can be an invaluable resource when it comes to finding the right keywords for your website or blog. 

The most popular keyword tools include Google Keyword Planner, Moz Keyword Explorer, Ubersuggest, KWFinder, Semrush, and Ahrefs.

These tools help you to research, analyze and compare keywords to understand which ones are most likely to result in conversions or lead to better organic search engine rankings.

You can use any keyword research tool you want, but I’m going to use Semrush. All of the tools are nearly identical.

Return to Semrush and select Keyword Magic Tool. Then enter your keywords and choose the desired country.

A slew of keywords has surfaced. You can find specific keywords by using the filter option. When filtering, click the “KD” button to open its drop-down sub-menu. Then select the possible KD level. If your website is older and well-known, you can choose a more competitive level.

Select all keywords with a keyword difficulty of less than 45 and a monthly search volume of more than 100. It’s the standard keyword feature for a new website.

Then collect the keywords that meet the standard keyword feature requirements.

Repeat the process for each keyword you drafted.

Erase Wrong Keywords

Once you have gathered all of your keywords and created a keyword funnel, it is important to remove any words that are either irrelevant or not in line with your campaign’s goals. If the wrong keywords are used, it can lead to low-quality traffic and poor conversion rates.

It is important to identify these wrong keywords as they will waste your time and money in the long run. Here are some tips on how to effectively clean out your keyword funnel:

1. Prioritize – Decide which keywords are most important for your campaign and prioritize them. This will help ensure that the wrong keywords are removed from your funnel before they have a chance to negatively impact your results.

2. Review – Take the time to review each keyword in your funnel, looking for ones that are irrelevant or don’t fit with your overall goals. Remove these words from your funnel and replace them with better options.

Use Keyword Cluster

Keyword clustering is a great way to speed up the process of keyword research and make sure you are targeting the most relevant and profitable keywords. Keyword clustering involves grouping related keywords together so that you can quickly identify which keywords you should be targeting. 

By using keyword clustering, you can save time and effort in your keyword research process, as it requires less manual work. 

This method is particularly useful for long-tail keywords, as it helps you to narrow down your focus and target the exact type of keywords that you need. 

To use keyword clustering, you first need to identify your seed keyword. This is the main keyword or phrase that you want to use as the basis of your research.

 Then, you can use a tool such as Semrush to generate related keywords based on your seed keyword. 

The tool will provide you with a list of related keywords, grouped into clusters based on their relevance to the seed keyword. 

Once you have generated the clusters, you can go through each cluster individually and identify any keywords that might be relevant to your project. You can then go back and refine your keyword list further by using additional keyword tools. 

Overall, keyword clustering is a great way to quickly identify relevant and profitable keywords for your SEO strategy. It’s fast, efficient, and easy to use, making it an ideal tool for any SEO professional.

Let’s say you have a website that sells running shoes. You want to optimize your website for search engines, so you start by doing keyword research. You come up with a list of keywords such as “running shoes,” “trail running shoes,” “men’s running shoes,” “women’s running shoes,” “best running shoes,” “affordable running shoes,” and so on.

You can then use keyword clustering to group these keywords into clusters based on their relevance to each other. For example:


      • Cluster 1: “Running shoes,” “Trail running shoes,” “Best running shoes”

      • Cluster 2: “Men’s running shoes,” “Women’s running shoes,” “Kids’ running shoes”

      • Cluster 3: “Affordable running shoes,” “Cheap running shoes,” “Budget running shoes”

    Once you have these clusters, you can use them to optimize your website content.

    For example, you can create separate pages for each cluster and use the keywords within each cluster to optimize the page title, meta description, header tags, and content. This can help you target specific keywords and improve your search engine ranking for those keywords.

    In addition, you can use the clusters to identify new keyword opportunities. For example, you can use a tool like Semrush to find related keywords within each cluster and add those to your list of target keywords.

    How To Take Advantage Of Keyword Clustering

    Keyword clustering is a powerful way to organize large amounts of keyword data into related groups. It’s an effective way to get an understanding of how people are searching for related topics. With keyword clustering, you can identify high-value keyword opportunities and related search terms that you may not have thought of before.

    When it comes to keyword clustering, there are a few things to keep in mind: 

    1. Be sure to look for trends and patterns in the data. See which topics and keyword phrases appear together frequently, and take advantage of these correlations. 

    2. Don’t overlook less popular keywords or topics. These can be valuable too, as they often present unique content opportunities that your competition may have overlooked. 

    3. Take the time to really dive into the data. Ask yourself questions like “what topics could I create content around?” and “what keywords should I include in my titles and meta descriptions?” Doing this will help you uncover opportunities to expand your reach.

    By leveraging keyword clustering, you can quickly organize your data and discover valuable insights that you might have missed. These insights can help you create more compelling content and optimize your website for the right keywords.

    Keyword Research Tricks

    Keyword research is the backbone of SEO but it can be caused by the failure of the SEO game due to some mistakes. You should follow the right strategy to take the highest advantage of it. Here are some pro tricks to help you nail your keyword research:

    Use a variety of keyword research tools: Use more than one keyword research tool. To obtain a comprehensive list of keywords and their search volume, use a variety of tools such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs, Moz, and others. SEMrush typically provides the most accurate data, but you can cross-check the keywords with another tool.

    Focus on long-tail keywords: A long-tail keyword is a term that is composed of more than two words. Long-tail keywords are more specific than short-tail keywords and have less competition.

    Analyze your competitors: Examine your competitors who already appear in the SERP of a keyword. If there is a strong competitor, it is best not to choose the keyword.

    Consider user intent: User intent refers to the reason behind a search query. Are users looking for information, products, or services? Understanding user intent can help you create content that meets their needs and improves your search engine ranking.

    Prioritize relevance and search volume: When selecting keywords, prioritize relevance to your business and target audience, and search volume. Don’t just focus on high search volume keywords if they are not relevant to your business.

    By following these keyword research tricks, you can nail your keyword research and improve your SEO.

    Keyword Research Template (Download)

    Using a keyword research template makes keyword research easier and saves time. To save time, I created a template. It aids in the organization of your keywords. The keyword research template is available in two formats: Excel and Google Sheets.


    In the SEO game, keyword research determines whether you win or lose. It’s a real strategy and the first step in taking advantage of your competitors. So, prioritize quality over time.

    Consider practicing keyword research using the tips I mentioned above; I hope you’ll be able to complete successful keyword research in 5 minutes.

    If you find the article useful, I encourage you to share it with others.


    Yes. The most important SEO strategy is keyword research. Poor keywords will not help you rank in search engines. So good keyword research is still and will always be important.

    Keyword research is the foundation of SEO. The most important component of the search engine ecosystem is the keyword. You must determine what your customer is looking for and what their ultimate goal is.

     Because people use keywords to search for information, and it is the primary factor that search engines consider when determining the content you publish. Keyword research can help you find relevant keywords. When someone searches for this keyword, your blog may appear. Finally, keyword research is the true strategy for winning the SEO game.

    The answer is literally difficult to express. Because it depends on the individual and their level of expertise. An expert can usually discover the ideal keyword in 2-3 minutes.

    Long-tail keyword research is an SEO strategy that involves identifying specific, highly targeted search terms that are longer and more specific than generic keywords.

    For example: 

    “running shoes”  – Short-tail keyword

    “Best running shoes for a younger man” – Long-tail keyword

     The benefits of this strategy include less competition, higher conversion rates, improved relevancy, and cost-effectiveness.

    Choose a primary keyword and generate some related keywords after conducting keyword research. Then look at your competitor who appears in the first ten SERP results for that keyword. 

    Find their weak point and address them in your content. You should produce higher-quality content than your competitors. 

    Remember to create content based on search intent. 

    Incorporate your main keyword into the page title, meta keyword, meta description, heading, and paragraph section. 

    Use related keywords or keyword variations as well. 

    Finally, optimize your content around your primary keyword.
